Friday 7th May 2021 Daryl Beveridge Photography had our first wedding of 2021!!!!! I started bridal preparation at Emma's Mum & Dad's house in Wester Balgeddie, Fife & what a glorious morning. When I arrived there I got to the door & Emma's dad popped his head out of the barn & asked what I wanted & I said that I was here for Emma's wedding & he got me good, by saying no wedding here today. So I headed down to the next house & they told me that it was the other house. So very confused I started to head back up to the first house & looking at one of the windows there was the wedding dress. So fair play to Bertie he got me good.
I got into the house & made all the introduction's & started to capture the details. Emma's dress by Stella York was stunning along with her detailed veil.
One of the details I started to notice was the writing on the hangers had their original wedding date on from 2020 & on the other side of the hanger the new date, which I thought was a lovely memory to keep & not to hide as it happened & we all had to live through this & will go down in history so to record this was a bit for the Bride & Groom & the history books.
Emma's wedding bouquet was created by Poppy Floral design & I framed it on the piano at the Emma's family piano & looks stunning.
Hair & make up was well under way by the very talented Tayler Ritchie Hairdressing & Natasha Dardas: Make up, Hair & Beauty along with some hilarity sandwich eating.
One of Emma's bridesmaids could not be there as she lived in Australia but she was not forgotten with a blow up doll with her picture on it & a video call that was left running. Now & again I would forget that she was there & would block her view with my pandemic body. It was lovely for all that she could be there seeing the morning unfold.
In between all of this one of the cattle gave birth so Bertie was in work mode & all overalled up & I think Emma was a few minutes away from doing the same & wanted to see but we had to be quiet & let everything settle, so we decided to get Emma & Bertie to have a picture in overalls & bridal gown, classic farmers wedding.
After this it was time to start getting ready which is always when the nerves start kicking in but Emma was cool as a cucumber & taking the morning in her stride.
I made my way down to the Abbotshall Church in Kirkcaldy where the weather was glorious & was met by the piper playing and the groom & groomsmen outside having a laugh. At bridal preparation you always hear from brides or bridesmaids you have it easy, all guys have to do is just get ready & this time I will agree David & his groomsmen had a BBQ for their breakfast, which sounds amazing.
I also met up with Graeme from Graeme MacKay Videography. It was a pleasure to work alongside Graeme again as we work well together & Graeme's work is top notch.
Piper was Scott Barr who did a great job throughout the day especially in that scorching sun.
Abbotshall church was looking glorious & lovely bunting & floral details at the ceremony.
Emma arrived on time so I believe which is very unusual but very much appreciated. In her stunning bridal car.
Ceremony who was prosided over by Justin Taylor & made everyone feel calm, welcome & the ceremony was heartfelt because of this.
Great seeing first kisses again especially after the very long year we have had.
The ceremony then proceeded with a sharing cup, a blessing & a few tender moments between the couple that I love to see & capture.
Then one of my favourites the confetti shot, I will always let guests know that this should be done with the confetti being thrown up into the air & not at them as the Bride & Groom may not appreciate or even get some in the eye. So after this Emma & David made their way out the church and.....

a lovely confetti shot & a grand way of leaving the church.
Emma & David made their way down to the church gates where other friends had gathered to see their day but for numbers were not allowed & it was great to see them taking time out of their day to do this as they had waited for them & really appreciated them for doing this.
Another part of the wedding I like to take advantage of is when the family & friends helping with the festivities & I don't know why but it is always the guys bringing out the flowers & you have to document this as it may be the only time you can get this image.
Another lovely surprise is Emma's Chief Bridesmaid was Lynsay a previous Bride who has subsequently had a handsome chap Alfie.
We made our way to David & Emma's farm & because not everyone had arrived there we decided to get the couple shot's & where else on a farm would you go but a lovely golden field.
A big shout out to the groomsmen who was asked to hold Emma's veil & to throw the veil up to catch the next image whilst not falling over & pulling Emma's hair out & was well worth it.
The Laird's farm is such a beautiful & well maintained so we got some amazing images before the last of the guests arrived.
Now it is time to have some fun with the Bridesmaid's first with a cheeky bouquet shot.
Then the Groomsmen with the flying V formation.
Emma & David have been participating in tug of war for many years plus the farm has been the ground for everyone to train in, so what better way to celebrate the day with a good old game of tug of war & the age old boys vs girls & refereed by David's dad.
It was time for some mingling for the couple before everyone had to sit down for the meal & speeches & who better to relax with but Oscar.
The details inside the marquee were so beautiful & made for a stunning place to eat your dinner in.
The wedding speeches were so emotional, personal & funny that there were a few tears around the marquee.
We then took advantage of the sun being still out that we went around the farm & got images with the cows & I my jacket was getting licked by a couple of them but was fun.
Silhouettes are one of my favourite shots to take & this one inside the barn is definitely up there with my favourites.
We just caught the last of the sun which made for beautiful portraits for them to cherrish.
The evening reception started off with the cake cutting then onto the first dance with Oscar & Jed making an appearance here & there.
To celebrate their marriage & for making it through lockdown together we got out the bubbly & boom fizz everywhere.
Congratulations again guys & cannot wait for you to view your images & to share them with family & friends.
2021 officially started WOOHOO!!!